Passenger code of conduct
This code of conduct says what is and is not acceptable behaviour on a bus, train or tram.
It also helps to make public transport safer for everyone in the West Midlands.
The code of conduct is enforced by the Safer Travel Partnership.
Acceptable behaviour
- Wait at the bus stop or station in a sensible manner
- Ensure you have the means to travel - a valid ticket/pass or the correct change. Most buses will not give out change
- Act safely and responsibly when travelling
- Co-operate with staff - treat them and other passengers with respect
- Ensure you are the only person to hear your music
- Pick up all your litter & have respect for property
- Respect other passengers' property and space
Unacceptable behaviour
- Using language which can offend
- Smoking (including vaping and e-cigarettes), taking drugs or drinking alcohol on public transport or their premises
- Behaving in a way that is considered anti-social e.g. no fighting, shouting, swearing, spitting, graffiti etc.
- Pushing or rushing towards the bus/train/tram when it arrives - you may push someone into the path of the moving vehicle. Only board the vehicle once it has stopped and the doors are open. Let other passengers exit before attempting to board
- Putting your feet on seats or vandalising public transport property
- Committing any crime that affects our services, passengers, staff or property
- Being abusive towards staff or passengers
Bad behaviour on public transport can give the wrong impression of your school or workplace to other passengers and your community.
It may also discourage others from using public transport.